Storm Tactics
Lin and Larry Pardey

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If you plan on living aboard and going to sea, even if the going to sea part is "occasional", you really want to have the Pardey's Book "Storm Tactics Handbook, 3rd Edition".  This DVD makes an excellent companion to the book.  It allows you to actually see what they are talking about rather than having to try to visualize it.  My wife and I have done time in really bad storms, but we have nowhere near as much experience as the Pardeys and learned a lot from the book.  Further the Pardeys have thought about what they have learned, discussed the subject extensively with others who are really experienced not just theorists, and actually gone out with other types of boats into bad weather to do tests.  This book is the result of near a half century of experience in voyaging in fair weather and foul and it shows.  Recently I was sent another book on "how to handle your boat in heavy weather" by a "well known" author in which I immediately found large numbers of things which I knew not to be true or to be unworkable, either from personal experience or from the repeated experience of others.  On the other hand reading through the Pardey's book I both recognized our own experiences and what we had learned but also I learned a great deal which I knew immediately upon reading the Pardey's explanations of the situations and solutions were the solutions to problems we had faced and situations in which we'd been less comfortable than we could have been if we'd had the Pardey's information.

If you can only buy one book on how to help your boat take care of you in heavy weather, get "Storm Tactics Handbook".  Before you spend money on any other heavy weather book, get the "Storm Tactics" DVD.  You'll be a lot safer and more comfortable at sea with this knowledge.  $29.95

Reviewed by
Tom MacNaughton