Winter Holiday
Arthur Ransome

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Winter Holiday2.jpg (6455 bytes) In this book two new children are introduced, Dick and Dorethea Callum. Dick is the scientist and naturalist at a young age. His sister Dorethea is a thorough going romantic and an author in pigtails. You just know she will grow up to be a well known novelist. Interesting as they are they have obviously lived a little more staid and sheltered lives than the "Swallows" and the "Amazons" whom they soon meet. They are rather breathlessly swept up into the other children's plans for "arctic" exploration on the frozen lake, with igloos, skates, sleds rigged for sailing, and the advantages of Captain Flint's houseboat frozen into the lake, though without Captain Flint around to add to the adventures. Dick and Dorethea are filled with wonderful stories about sailing, thrilled with the wonderful adventures that they have and have a wonderful time which builds to a race to the "north pole" at the head of the lake which doesn't go quite as people planned. (tm)  $14.95