Estimating Construction Costs

Review - This article was written quite awhile ago and has been slightly updated where necessary. Although slanted toward wooden boat construction it contains plenty of information for people to get a good idea of the costs of boats built in other materials. Where anyone is unsure of how to adapt the methods for a particular construction we are happy to assist by email at no extra charge. We have gradually modified this article in response to questions we have received in the past and will continue to do so to make sure it is as useful as possible. As with all our other publications if you order it and don't find it helpful you can return it for a full refund.

Displacement vs. Man Hours
Building Shed
Displacement vs. Surface Area
Skin Thickness Table
Deck/Trunk Area as a Percentage of Total Surface Area
The Elements of Cost
Comparisons with Stock Boat Prices
Estimates from This Article
Cost of Plans
Judging the Naval Architect and His Plans
Hand Tools
Power Tools
Lofting Space
Building Space
How Much Time Can You Work?
How Much Time Will It Take
The Engine and Its Equipment
Lumber and Mill Work
Steel, Fiberglass and Aluminum
Interior and Exterior Hardware and Equipment
Spars and Rigging
Miscellaneous Items
The First Approximation
The Estimate
The Firm Price
In Conclusion
Appendix for Lumber & Millwork

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